
Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Dream!

I know that the ambition, but I like say Dream.

Well, I think in my big dream, I will begin to see in the future, because this ambition are relation with the finish of my carrera and my developing that profesional. Is the construction of my life.
When I complete my studyings, to become geographer, I taking my thing and go´ll for the extreme the country, maybe don´t such extreme, but if I´ll move away of Santiago for to arrive at Aysen specifically at Coyhaique. 
In this place, I would have a wonderfull house near of a lake with much flowers and native vegetation. I have a big space as I live in harmony with nature. And I could work in geography in this area.

My inspiration for this dream born for my family, because always I haved a situation complicate for money in my house. I don´t say that us lives bad, but if we balance and my parent has working much for my education.
For this, I believe that have a house or a place as live is the really important about me. Maybe when I have my situation more comfortable I could go´ll of travel for all Chile and for the world. 

I Know that my dream is very difficult (for me), but I believe in my capacity and in the stronger of inside.

Well class this is my dream...
I hope your comment!  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Favorite Beach!

Well, in this class I talking about the my favorite beach, that is El Tabo. This coast is really important for me because is where I growed and until now go for the vacation. 
The ubication of this place it´s found in the V region of Valparaíso, in the province of San Antonio. Is a little city as all be near at the line of coast. My house be more away of the city (at 1 kilometer), but is funny have walking every days. Is good for health!

My situation in a common day in vacation is after of lunch (that is 4 o´clock) go the beach all the afternoon. My family are install in the sand with the sunshade and your towel. The boys and girl more litte of the family, taken off clothes, seeing your bathing suits and they go at sea. 
In this place, They playing, swimming and jumping the wave. Is really funny they saw enjoy in the beach.

For me, when I was at the beach, I liked see the sea and was stand up in the sand while the wave go past for my foot. Too I like to sit for take of sun and buy much candys.

Finally I was at my house for take the shower for remove all the sand of the beach!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

First class with Simon... English spoken here!

Well, my experience about English became in the school, when I was in primary. In this moment I was learning: the number, the colors, the counties and a variety of basic information that to serve a propouse for continue with situacion (or information) more complicate.

So,  I was developing a interest for this lenguage, because the music, the movies, comic and magazine was in English, this way I liked discovery that the traduction of the things that called my atention. And overcoat that I can understand for my self your meaning.  

In English, I know read, writte and listening, but don´t much, because consider complicate, However I believe more difficult for my is SPEAK,´cause I have nervous. Is very difficult think in spanish and after in english and finish speak... Is horrible... jejejej... but I need the practice for lerning!! 

For finish, I like English culture, because us leave the football that is the sport the people. Also your culture gives us the modern music (is the Pop) And too all your tradition culture of castles and Queen and king.

Well, class I hope your comment!