
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

About Santiago of Chile!

Well class, today I will talk about of Santiago City...
According my opinion Santiago is a town very stressful and very fast, because everything goes well: the food, the traffic, the relationship with people and in general all the way to the capital's life. For me, this situation I don’t like.
But Santiago, for be the capital of country, is the city where is more easy for have a job, study (in all levels of education), buy a house and transported to all corners of this space.

Is important to say that, my native town, have much attractive places, because we can go to the different museum, go to the hill Saint Cristobal and near this go to the Metropolitan zoo. Also go to O’Higgins Park and go to the Entertainment Park “Fantasilandia”.
For the night, is interesting for the bohemia lives, the Bellavista Street, Suecia Street and neighborhoods Brazil and Nuñoa.  

If want your go to the natural space, be the Natural Reserves “Rio Clarillo” and “Baños Morales”.

For me, the city is fun but very stressful, I prefer something quieter